Moyea PPT4Web Converter ( Convert PPT to Flash Video )F.A.Q
Frequently Asked Questions about Moyea PowerPoint to FLV, MP4 Converter. If you stilll could not solve your problem here, please feel free to contact our online support center or email us via
1. Can this software run under Windows 7 and support PowerPoint 2010?
Yes, this software can run under Windows 7 smoothly as well as support PowerPoint 2010 well.
2. Can this program keep all the original elements of my PowerPoint file, like preset timings, videos, audios and all slide transitions?
Basically, our program can keep all the originals. If your PPT file is quite complicated, and you can't sort it out when using it, please feel free to contact us via
3. Why does the transition time between slides I set not in use?
As for this question, please note that if you have set slide transition time between slides in your original presentation in PowerPoint, the transition time between slides you set in this software will not take effect.
By the way, to get perfect results, it is recommended to set transition time for your presentation in PowerPoint.
4. Can I add some audio files for conversion to flash video, as the PowerPoint file is mute?
Of course, you can! This software not only allows you to ignore the audio tracks in the original PowerPoint file, but also enables you to insert background music for conversion to flash video FLV or MP4 file.
5.The output file size is too large. How can I get a smaller file?
The file size depends on the slides of the PowerPoint file, the video bit rate and the codec you select for the output file. You can set a lower bit rate for a smaller file size. Please notice that the quality of the output file will be less desirable with lower bit rate, but you can select a proper bit rate after some tests of the conversion.
6. I have many PowerPoint files to convert and I don't want to make settings one by one, what I should do?
This PPT4Web converter provides "As default" button for each setting. If you want to realize the effect of one time settings for all the PowerPoint files, you only need to click "As default" button after each setting. To the audio and video parameters settings, you only need to click on the "Save as" button and save it with the name you prefer after changing the parameters in the "Profile" window, and then click the "OK" button to save the settings. Then you can select the profile directly on the "Profile".
7. What can do with the converted FLV and MP4 file?
For the generated FLV file and MP4 file, you can upload your PowerPoint presentations about your party, company products, photos and so on to some video-sharing sites like YouTube, blog for company products publicizing, and make flash video player for web to play online and local Adobe flash video file with Moyea Web Player .
8. Why can't I transfer the converted MP4 file to my iPhone?
As MP4 file includs many kinds, and the MP4 file compatible with portable devices like iPad, iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, etc. must has suitable parameters like video size, video bite rate. Therefore, if you want the generated MP4 file to be played on your portable devices, you have to set suitable parameters for the output MP4 file.
9. What are the differences between trial version and registered version?
There are no functional differences between the trail version and registrated version, however, the trial version will leave watermark in all output flash video files.
10. What can I do if I lost my register key?
Send your Order Number and Registered Email Address to by Email. After confirmation, we will send you an email with your order information that can help get back your license.

-- From Med vennlig hilsen
Thanks for your great work – and keep up with the good work.
-- From Jay Burt
-- From Rajesh Madhawarayan .........