Moyea software support center
Welcome to Moyea Support Center. Here you can get information about our service and the way to contact us with your question, comment, request, suggestion, etc. You can get the answer and solution to the question or problem you encounter within 48 hours.
Retrieve Keycode
If you haven't received the registration information email or have lost the registration code, you can retrieve it by providing either the email address that was used at the time of order or the order ID. After submission, your registration code will soon be sent to you via email.
If you can neither find the email address nor the order ID or fail to register due to hardware upgrades or OS reinstallation, please contact us via

Documental support

If you have any question or problem about our products, follow the steps below:
- Make sure you are using the latest version.
- Please read the FAQ before asking for the technical support.
- Contact us, if your problem can not be solved yet. We will reply as soon as possible.
Check Order Status:
Order from RegNow:
Open the link according to the page you face when ordering. You will be asked for the email address, the last 5 digits of your card number, or the order ID.
(if you have purchased our software), program version No., the OS on your computer.

-- From Med vennlig hilsen
Thanks for your great work – and keep up with the good work.
-- From Jay Burt
-- From Rajesh Madhawarayan .........