Moyea Web Player V1.7 PR (Nov 19, 2008 )
For immediate release
Press Contact
Moyea Software Co., Ltd.
---- Moyea Web Player V1.7 with powerful video watermark function is released!
Shenzhen P.R. China – Nov. 19, 2008 - Moyea Software Co., Ltd.
( ) Moyea Web Player V1.7 has newly updated for the
watermarking function urgently on demand. This function is to help add
image, Flash, and Flash video watermark over the video to brand,
protect and highlight your video!
This function is a big supplement to the advertise function in fact.
While advertise allows you to add Flash, Flash video, image, text
before, after and in the middle of the target video, watermark makes it
possible for you to add these items over the video! For business users,
it's a brilliant idea to present a video with their company logo or
flagship product image over to brand the company or the product. You
may have seen the demonstration reels before, as this is widely used by
websites, broadcasting video website, news station, and film maker
which can be easily noticed at the top left or bottom right! YouTube
videos, CNN news, and Google Videos are all of this kind. As to the
video copyright violation or other uses of the video without permission
is frequently happening on the Internet, this watermark adding function
will no doubt an ideal way for intellectual protection. As the program
helps to engrave the watermark into the video (the logo is within the
video), the watermark will label and tell the video, if the video is
downloaded or used without permission. For individual users, it is just
fun! You may just imagine how amazing it is going to be when playing a
video you recorded while with an animation, image or another video
playing over!
"stop ad" button is added correspondingly to the watermark preview interface for easier settings. As the program offers a great many of powerful functions, this button will ease your settings for both the "advertise" and "watermark" steps! In the "advertise" you may add Flash video, or Flash or both to the video at the same time, this may make it fussy for watermarking as the video is playing for so long a time. At this time, you may just click "stop ad" to stop the playing of the advertisement and go on with other settings.
"AutoChooseNext" is added for continuous video playback. The videos will be able to loop play, if this box is checked. Some minor bug fixing and interface improvement are also made to ease your use of the program.
Product page:
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Postal address: 1202 Shanghai Automobile Building, No.48, Qilin Road, Nanshan Dist., Shenzhen, 518052 P.R. China
Phone: +86-755-26738834 (Monday-Friday) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M GMT+ 8, Beijing Time)
Fax: +86-755-26553081

-- From Med vennlig hilsen
Thanks for your great work – and keep up with the good work.
-- From Jay Burt
-- From Rajesh Madhawarayan .........